

The Inchoate of Tuberculosis does not Have Obvious Symptom! Zhang Wenhong Authoritative Analysis of

Time:2021-03-25 17:00:15     Views:131

The Inchoate of Tuberculosis does not Have Obvious Symptom! Zhang Wenhong Authoritative Analysis of (图1)

New Media Department          Yu Jie, Duan Yuqing           March 25, 2021

"Workplace Health Class" is a studio interactive interview program tailored to the working people by the financial channel. It focuses on the sub-health status and occupational diseases in the workplace, and brings practical and effective health solutions for the general audience. The program takes a scientific and professional attitude to achieve a health popularization in health science, discusses the topic of health in the workplace, takes "Preventive treatment of disease" as the goal, calls on everyone to work healthily and live happily, and strives to create a positive and warm health program. This program is broadcast exclusively under the name of Lunan Pharma·Shuerjia.

Tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic infectious disease of humans, animals and poultry caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In severe cases, it can lead to respiratory failure and death. Tuberculosis, which affects about 85 percent of TB patients, can infect tissues other than hair and nails, two areas where blood does not travel.

Tuberculosis is mainly transmitted through the respiratory tract. More than 1 million people die of tuberculosis every year. China is still a country with a high burden of tuberculosis, with the number of patients ranking the third in the world. Coughing sputum for more than two weeks should pay attention to whether to suffer from tuberculosis.

BCG vaccine has obvious protection against severe tuberculosis and tuberculous meningitis in children, and can significantly reduce the mortality rate of tuberculosis in children. BCG is a detoxifying vaccine derived from 230 successive iterations of Mycobacterium bovis, which promotes a very specific immunity to some common respiratory pathogens.

Tuberculosis is a curable disease. If you have cough, sputum and continue for more than two weeks, to actively go to a regular hospital. Especially the patient of tuberculosis must remember not to stop medicine at will, leakage of medicine. If not standard treatment, prone to drug-resistant tuberculosis, once the emergence of drug resistance, the cure rate is low, treatment costs are much higher. So once TB is found, it is important to regulate treatment.

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