

A Research Project on Chinese Medicine of Lunan Pharma Won the First Prize in Shandong Province

Time:2021-01-21 17:32:38     Views:284

A Research Project on Chinese Medicine of Lunan Pharma Won the First Prize in Shandong Province(图1)

New Media Department              Yu Jie, Duan Yuqing              January 21, 2021

Recently, Shandong Provincial People’s Government released the 《The decision on science and technological award in Shandong province 2020》 and the award certificates. The project on 《The construction and application of evaluation system on “efficiency-poison integration ”of Chinese medicine》of Lunan Pharma won the first prize of science and technological progress award in Shandong province 2020, a new breakthrough after 2019.

Lunan Pharma, based on the national key lab of generic technology of Chinese medicine, national certificated GLP center and industrial advantage of Chinese medicine, combined with social science and technological cooperation, practices both the basic research and clinical research. Under the instruction of theory and rule of Chinese medicine and the medical properties, Lunan Pharma insists on the research of efficiency-poison integration and its evaluation research based on the data chain integration and multi-omics research model, achieves the construction and application of evaluation system on efficiency-poison integration of Chinese medicine. This project technology is applied to evaluation and research on druggability of new Chinese medicine, enhances the accuracy and speed of research and development. The implementation of the project provides technological support to the revaluation of new drug marketing, ensures the safety of Chinese medicine and promotes the quality upgrading of Chinese medicine varieties like Shunyishu®Shouhui Tongbian capsules, Nimble®Xiaoer Xiaoji Zhike oral liquids, Tonglida®Mailuo Shutong granules.

The project was carried out by Shandong University, Shandong Research Institute of Chinese Medicine, Shandong Analysis and Testing Center, Shandong Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Shandong First Medical University. Under the direction of social needs, the project combined technology and innovation and had a positive influence in promoting the high quality development of Chinese medicine industry.

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